In case you ever need a way to keep 3 children in 1 place, it doesn't require lots of money, just 1 BIG box! They had a great time playing house in it. Thought I would share.
So yesterday we broke down and went to the mall. We never go because it is about 20 min away and always a hassle. Yesterday however was GREAT!! They both had a wonderful time riding the carousel (Conner had never seen one before!) and playing on the playground (didn't know it was even there. Nice suprise!). We didn't get any shopping done but didn't need to anyway. We will definitely do this again!
So When does the growing occur? I mean you turn around and wham, they are so grown you don't believe it!! Anyway, excuse Conner's non-matching clothes. We have wardrobe challenges right now....
As most of you know, Conner broke his leg at a wild and crazy superbowl party. We have 3 more weeks and we can get the cast off! Just in time for Ben and me to go on a ski trip to Oregon with Ben's family. Yaah!! The kids are staying with Nana and Papa for a week. I can't wait! Linlee is in full swing with ballet, although she doesn't seem to really love it. I am going to encourage her to stick with it until the recital. Finish what you start right??