Well, our trip kicked off on Friday Dec 19th when Linlee woke up with pain in her right ear. It got worse throught the day and so I call the Dr office at 4:30pm. He was kind enough to wait on us and it turned out that she had her very 1st ear infection (3 days before we are to get on an airplane). She was better by then though, and all was well.
We actually got out the door on time Monday and caught our 1st plane to Cincinnati. I was very nervous about the plane ride with an infant, but she did wonderful on both planes.
She did fall asleep on the 2nd one (it was around 9:00 pm) that is until Conner spilled his drink all over us. Now mommy and Sidney are all cold and wet (not to mention we had to get on and off the plane outside in 20 degree weather). Once we got to the airport, Uncle Bobby and Grandpa were there to get us. While we were waiting on them to load luggage (all 7+ bags!) Sidney proceeded to throw up all over me and her (lovely). I rush her to the bathroom and she gets sick even more. I finally get her calmed down and changed (I will pack an extra shirt for me from now on too). By this point I am sticky and smelly!! We finally make it to Unlce Bobby and Aunt Angie's house and crash.
On day 2 we drive to Wintergreen later in the afternoon and check into our condo. It has 5 bedrooms and 48 stairs inside!!! Great for Linlee and Conner. It made me very happy that Sidney wasn't mobile yet!
Day 3 we took L and C to their ski lessons. C only stayed for 1/2 day but L stayed from 8-4:30 and loved every minute!!
I also thought I needed lessons so I took one and realized I really didn't need them but oh well. Ben of course, just picked up where he left off and could ski cirlces around everyone. He was made for this I think. We had so much fun!! The weather was perfect. It never got colder than around low 40's so they made snow all week but it was great.
Day 4 we took L tubing and it was AWESOME!!
Conner showed up with Grandma and Grandpa about 30 minutes before our session was over and they let him join us for free!!! I was so happy because technically he was too short. He LOVED it! That afternoon I kept the kids while the others went skiing. I was too sore anyway from the day before.
We had a real scare that day too! When we had arrived, the bag of babyfood had fallen out of the car. Only one jar broke thank goodness. As I finished feeding Sidney, Grandpa just happened to pick up the jar and notice that there was a big hole in the bottom. It was broken so that the glass had gone into the jar instead of out!! We searched and searched and could not find it. PANIC I just fed my baby glass! I call the dr and he said to just wait. He was calling around to see if there was anything else to do. After about 15 minutes of panic, I remembered that she had not wanted the last bite and I had wiped it off on a napkin. I dug the napkin out of the trash and there was the glass. PRAISE GOD!!!!
Day 5 Ben and I took L skiing.
I was soo impressed with her. She made it down the potato patch slope 8 times (holding on the Ben's ski pole most of the way). She did GREAT!
Grandpa and Angie took Conner tubing again. I am so greatful for all the help watching and entertaining the children. Great!!! That night, Ben, Angie and I went night skiing. This was the absolute best part of the trip!!! So much fun!
Day 6 we packed up and went back to Aunt Angie and Uncle Bobby's house.
A and I went out and got L an ice cream cake for her birthday which was the next day. She was so suprised and it was really good!
Day 7 we had a 6:45 am flight. We got up at 3:50 (which is 2:50 am our time) and Aunt A drove us to the airport. when we get there, we find out that they are doing unscheduled maint. on our plane and it would not be leaving until 12:30!!! WHAT!! I got everyone up this early and now we have to sit for 7+ hours!! ARE YOU KIDDING! What could have been a miserable few hours, actually turned out pretty well. Time passed pretty quickly and the kids did great!
Linlee found 2 ladies sitting with us and made friends with them. They were awesome. They sang happy birthday to her and played all kinds of games. Thank you God.
We finally leave around 1:15 and could not make it home fast enough. When we arrived home at 4:20, I had never been so happy to see my house!
Linlee the big 5 year old, opened her gifts that evening and then we all crashed.>
Sid went down at 6, L and C at 7 and we crashed at 8:30.
This was the "best trip ever" to put it in Linlee's words. I can't believe she is now 5!!!!!
very well documented! Thanks, now i don't have to do it on my blog! haha... can't wait to see all of y'all again! Tell "Aunt Linlee" hello! :-)
Sounds like y'all had a great holiday. Keep up the great work on your blog. It is really fun to read!
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