1. Sidney potty training. So all on her own, Sidney mentioned going potty while we were upstairs in the playroom. I grabbed her up and ran downstairs to her potty which has been sitting in the bathroom just to peak her interest. I in no way have been even attempting this because I learned my lesson about starting too early with Linlee. So just for fun, I sat Sid down on it and started talking to her about it. In mid conversation, she began to go in the potty! I think it suprised her as much as it did me! I chalked it up to being a fluke and went on after we made a super huge deal about it of course! Well, since then, she has gone at least once a day sometimes twice (without any coaching or pushing from me). We by no means have it mastered, but I am beginning to think it is more than a fluke and may actually start trying to get this thing done. I am sooo looking forward to that last diaper purchase (just didn't expect it this soon!)
2. D&D 3rd birthday bash. Our friend's twins turned 3 this past week and had an awesome trian party at their house. They rented a "train" for the kids to ride around the block in. All the kids thought this was the greatest thing ever (it really was!). Crazy madness but loads of fun as always!
3. Tom's farm part 2. We had so much fun the last time we went that we decided to take our Sunday School class back to Tom's farm. The number of people that decided to brave the very cold weather was few but we had a great time!!
4. Fall break activities. Linlee and Conner were on fall break this past week. Ben decided to take off work too so we could all spend time together. Friday night we "camped" out in the playroom (since it was too cold outside) after a quick run to DQ (yum). We played card games and slept on pallets on the floor (never do that the day before a very busy day..). The next day was birthday party, college football, and tom's farm. On Monday we had the below photo shoot and just played outside. Not many outings but great family time.
these pictures are wonderful-love your hair,too! Looks like the square is a woinderful picture taking place-can't wait to hear some tips about Sidney and potty training-wow.
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