Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My extra appendage

This is my life for just a little while longer ( I hope ). She is getting so much better with her walking and defintely has the ability, just lacks the confidence.
Her new trick it to climb up the stairs. She made it all the way up to the top without any help several times yesterday. Between scaling the stairs and sliding, we do little else!

It has been a fairly quiet week so far. I started the P90X workout program and LOVE it! I have not been so excited about excersise since college. Feels good! that and the fact that we are going to the beach in about a month is great motivation too. The kids are looking forward to seeing GRandma and Grandpa this weekend. We are going to visit some friends too while we are there. Always a great time.

WEll, that's it until something more exciting happens......
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