Thursday, February 7, 2008

Get ready for the pictures!!!

We had an awesome visit at lunch today! They took out the IV line from her belly button while we were there and.......I got to HOLD AND FEED HER IN A CHAIR!!!! She also got to put on clothes for the 1st time! this is the best day ever!! She is moving to an open crib this afternoon and if she gets up to 60 cc (she is at 40cc) tonight and eats it for 24 hours, we could be looking at bringing her home Sat or Sun!!! God is GOOD!! Ben let Nana go with me for this visit since she was leaving today so he missed all the excitement, but was happy to hear that he can bite some toes tonight.:) Enjoy the pics!


Alecia said...

She is just beautiful! I think she might actually have a little Berteau in her blood:)

Angie said...

I love the yawning picture! So so cute!

Sharon said...

Well, I don't know who she looks like, but I'm so happy for you!!! I love the picture of you bent down looking at her! I can't wait for you to get to hold her at your house! :) We'll keep praying!

thewdawg said...

She is awesome! She is looking more and more like Ben each day...and Ben, I'm pulling for ya!

thewdawg said...

by the way, this is Matt